วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Ohio: Bureau reviews rule on adjudicating committee

The rule specifies that an administrator of the bureau can modify or reverse the decision of the adjudicating committee. An employer can file a written appeal of the committee's decision within 33 days of the bureau's mailing of the decision. The administrator or administrator's designee will conduct a hearing and issue a final decision. If the employer does not file an appeal of the committee's decision, the administrator has 30 days after the last date the employer could have filed an appeal to vacate or modify the order of the adjudicating committee and issue a final decision. If the administrator takes no action within 63 days of the mailing of the committee's decision, the decision of the committee will be the final decision of the administrator.

Read more at the WorkersComp Forum homepage.

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